The rescue continues in New Orleans while Rita is at the door

An Associated Press article on Yahoo news:

On their first day out, they found someone alive — 20 days after Hurricane Katrina ripped through New Orleans’ protective levees and flooded this fish bowl of a city.

(…) By the time the Florida team arrived on Saturday, most of New Orleans had been searched by police and National Guard troops. But many searches were cursory, at best. If someone didn’t shout out for help or respond to a knock, the rescuers marked the houses and moved on. Orders were not to force entry.

But nearly a month after the storm, anyone left alive in an attic or back room is likely too weak to cry out. And amid the stench of rotting garbage, stagnant water and rancid mud, even the dead do not immediately announce themselves.

1 Comment

    September 23, 2005

    The rescue continues in New Orleans while Rit…

    The rescue continues in New Orleans while Rit…

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