Almost going to the IA Summit (Web 2.0 style)

Talking about not going to conferences, it’s really amazing how much good information one can find online without moving from her chair. So, you would have liked to attend the 7th IA Summit in Vancouver, but didn’t have the money or the time? The Summit is not even finished yet and the debate on the talks is already in full swing. In addition to the Summit’s own blog, there are hundreds of posting (for example, search Technorati or Google Blog Search). Local Philadelphian David Sturtz has a nice summary of the the first day (one of the link is to Luke Wroblewski, who has a few good summaries of the talks). Online PDFs of the thoughts behind the talks are an interesting in depth look of what people are thinking (look at David’s post for several links).

I know, it’s not the same thing. We miss our friends, the off-line discussions, the full immersion, and the fancy meals at Vancouver’s restaurants, and the 9-hour flight (each way). Let’s see, should I go for a bike ride or watch a Netflix movie to get over my disappointment?

Update: Andrew’s talk at the Summit is featured at David Weinberger’s blog. How cool is that?


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