Blogher06, where the awesome women are

My grandmother was a practical and successful business woman. She managed to live well without a husband for most of her life, opened a women clothing store with her sister after the war (in the South of Italy and starting from nothing), and successfully managed it for many years, through changes in fashion and culture. When I was four, I was sent to live with her while my mother was pregnant. I was so fully fascinated by her and the court of young shop assistants who took care of me, that I told my mother I didn’t want to go back (OK, I was also angry at her).

But my grandmother was the “bad” character in the family story: she mistreated and neglected my mother, my father could not stand her and the six suitcases she brought with her when she came visit us.

So, I never learned enough about her good side: her resilience, her independence, and, above all, her business skills.

The women at BlogHer remind me about the good side of my grandmother, each one in her own way resourceful, talented, and willing to take risks.

Yesterday I met Sabine of CT Biz Blog, who is using her blog to promote blogging for small businesses. We joined a long table of bloghers having dinner in the patio (among which Amy of, heather of no pasa nada, and Jessica of It’s not about your stuff). Then I met “again” Rachel Cook (who traveled here from Australia!), the founder of minti, a site for parents exchanging advices.

So, here I am, looking forward to meeting more awesome women.

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  1. pippi
    July 30, 2006

    Non sono sicurissima che c’entri con il tuo post, ma …
    Quando parliamo con Stefano della vita quotidiana di mamma ed Elvira, usiamo frasi del tipo: “Cosa combineranno oggi le due pazze?” Intendendo che comunque, malgrado acciacchi e smemoratezze, la nostra, famiglia o quel che ne resta, rimane una repubblica delle donne, dove si è tra donne a decidere e darsi una mano. Qui a Roma, io, Chiara, mamma ed Elvira continuiamo la tradizione della bella Jolanda di andare avanti per la nostra strada con gli uomini posti come grande desiderio (da alcune) ma un po’ fuori dalle nostre vite.
    E Stefano immagina ogni tanto le due, affettuosamente, pazze andare in giro con uno spiderino decapottabile, ammantate in fuolard anni ’50, e ogni tanto fermarsi a bere un drink con qualche attempato latin lover…

  2. Clay Cook
    August 1, 2006

    Great to hear that you met my wife Rachel. She absolutely loved Blogher 🙂
    – Clay Cook (Minti Co-Founder)

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