News that made me happy today

Martin Luther King Jr. was born 11 days after my father, on January 15, 1929. They both would be 77 years old today. Had I had it my way, MLK would have lived a long life. Short of that, I am happy we celebrate his life every year in January and most of the...


From “word of the day” for October 26 (I know, I am a little behind with my readings): Virago: an ill-tempered, overbearing woman; also, a woman of great strength and courage. Isn’t it interesting? I thought that men would find difficult to maintaining two contraddictory thoughts in their mind at the same time....

Moral Hazard

“Moral hazard” is the term economists use to describe the fact that insurance can change the behavior of the person being insured. If your office gives you and your co-workers all the free Pepsi you want—if your employer, in effect, offers universal Pepsi insurance—you’ll drink more Pepsi than you would have otherwise. If you...

CBC unplugged

The management of CBC, the Canadian Public Broadcasting radio, broke the labor negotiations that had been going on for 15 months and locked out 5,500 CBC workers on August 15. The dispute is around the hiring of contractors and part-time workers. CBC, which has received no funding increase in five years, decided to solve...

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