The life and times of Demetrio Stratos

Demetrio Stratos’ life is surrounded by an aura of legend. He was born in 1945 in Egypt by Greek parents, studied in Cyprus, moved to Italy, founded Area, one of the most daring bands in Italian history. In the late seventies, he left the band to focus on vocal research and trained his voice...

More about Ipod bliss

Yesterday I had a few more thoughts about the iPod-induced state of bliss that I described earlier. I was listening to music in my car while driving to work (I got a Monster iCar tuner, which seems to work quite well with my iPod) when I realized that I was really enjoying my morning...

Please let me buy sheet music!

Do you remember the time when searching the web for something specific meant spending hours and hours in unsuccessful search? When trying to buy something from the web too often meant miserable failure? When web browsing was inextricably associated with that physical feeling of defeat, frustration, dizziness, hopelessness, and alienation? That was before God...

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