How to find good blogs?

It seems that there was a lot of talking at Blogher about the Technorati Top 100 list and how this list does not represent the world of bloggers (at least not the world of women bloggers, or mommy bloggers, or african-american bloggers, teenage bloggers, and so on; see, for example at the transcripts and...

The lonely universe

About 100 billion years from now, all but the closest of galaxies will be dragged away by the swelling space at faster-than-light speed and so would be impossible for us to see, regardless of the power of telescopes used. If these ideas are right, then in the far future the universe will be a...

More about IT:
Cheap, Fast, and Disposable

My “Leaving IT” post has received some attention; the trackback on was picked up by Robert Scoble’s Scobleizer and made it on Computerworld’s blog. Although I found quite interesting my obsession in reading my name quoted by others (think John Milton|Al Pacino in The Devil’s Advocate: “Vanity! definitely my favorite sin”), I would...

Leaving IT

After 5 years, a few weeks ago I decided I had enough of IT; it was time to quit. The same week I moved from IT to the Marketing department of my company, other two women who have managed me at various times did the same. It seems that we are not alone: Roy...

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