Yahoo!, Smugmug, and value of loyalty

In my never-ending quest for efficiency and productivity, today I found myself tinkering with Yahoo’s calendar and to-dos. I noticed that Yahoo remembers calendar preferences that I set the first time I used it. I started to get sentimental. I have had my site on Geocities for more than 5 years and my Yahoo e-mail account for more than I can remember (8 years? Did Yahoo! even exist so long ago?). It must be the longest relationship I’ve ever had outside my friends and family.

Yahoo may not be the best or cheaper service provider or the best search engine, but it has served me reliably and loyally for a long time even before I started paying them for Yahoo Mail Plus and Geocities hosting. It still does an outstanding job blocking spam and following me around; old friends can still reach me at the same e-mail address I had when I met them, even if I’ve changed mailing address six times since then. And now I know that remembers my preferences for years and years. I wish I could say the same of my husband or even my mother.

A couple of days ago I tried to upload some pictures to Flickr and I couldn’t because I had reached my upload limit (6 pictures? You must be kidding!). So I went back to my old and trusted Smugmug where I already have an account, and I noticed that Smugmug can do pretty much all that Flickr can do. Sure, it lacks the cool community, the blog-ready features, and their service e-mails are not quite as entertaining; but I have all my pictures there and once the Wow! effect of the new cool features has faded, convenience still wins.

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