When shopping online becomes a personal experience

Shopping online is usually a solitary experience. It’s all between us and our computer. Electronic payments, automated messages, automated delivery, and the goods show up magically at our door (usually when we are not home) without any apparent human intervention. It’s convenient, efficient, anonymous, sterilized, and creepy. But in the world of The Long...

Perceived costs-benefits and (online) behavior

Often I hear these broad blanket statements on what people do or don’t do online: “people don’t read,” “people don’t scroll,” “people don’t wait.” It’s usually from those who have just enough knowledge of usability to be dangerous, but sometimes, alas, I’ve heard usability people uttering them. When I hear statements like this I’ll...

Even Jared Spool is blogging

Jared Spool and a couple of other folks at UI Engineering (Christine Perfetti and Joshua Porter) have started Brain Sparks, a new blog on web design, usability, and other interface issues. It’s interesting how long it’s taking to the traditional, old school usability world to embrace blogs and RSS. Jakob Nielsen doesn’t seem to...

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